Toxo Can Really Killed Us ?

>> December 28, 2009

Hi all, I finally can drag myself to be here again, been so busy at work lately :p but here I am now :D This time I'd like to discuss about Toxoplasmosis..Yes! That infection we used to shorten its word as Toxo. Based on the article at, this infection is caused by a microscopic parasite that can live inside the cells of humans and animals, especially cats and farm animals. Cats! arghhhh..that's the most living animal I really loved! I've been live with them since I was born lol, 'coz Mom loves them too. I was surrounded by 11 cats when I was a kid, Mom pets them very well. I don't know how dull my life would be without having them around me.. I've been observing and learning about Toxo since I realized it would be dangerous for a woman's pregnancy, for their baby. Just a slight memory..I remember that we could get infected by this Toxo if we feed our cat with a raw meet or raw fish or anything raw meals. And it would affect us through their cute poop! lol yeah..Specially if it's a direct contact, I mean you know if you touch it lol which I can be assured of you guys won't lol.. Now I shall straight to my main story.. Just a few days ago, I got a sad news on My Facebook that one of my friend have died..Innalillahi wa innaillaihi rooji'un..May Allah forgive him..I was searching for information what caused his death, was it an illness or what ? And yep, my sister got it from his ( this guy ) sister. It was because of Toxoplasmosis! Uffff.......I was surprised! Can Toxoplasmosis killed us ? So what do you think, my reader friends ? Let us share knowledge cat people =D I'm looking forward to hear from you guys.. Best Regard, shalli p.s : And to provide you a better details about this infection, you can go to this link, or just read some of them below :

You might know about the infection toxoplasmosis in relation to avoiding it during pregnancy by taking precautions with certain foods and the cat's litter box. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventing (CDC), some 60 million people in the United States could have toxoplasmosis. Many don't even know it because it can cause an infection with no symptoms or ones that are common to other illnesses.

This infection is caused by a microscopic parasite that can live inside the cells of humans and animals, especially cats and farm animals.

How It Spreads

People can catch toxoplasmosis from:

  • touching or coming into contact with infected cat feces (cats get the infection from eating infected rodents, birds, or other small animals)
  • eating raw or undercooked meat that's contaminated
  • eating uncooked, unwashed fruits or vegetables that have been contaminated by manure
  • being born with it (a woman who gets a toxoplasmosis infection while pregnant may pass the parasite on to her unborn child through the bloodstream)

Although infection doesn't normally spread from person to person except through pregnancy, in rare instances toxoplasmosis can contaminate blood transfusions and organs donated for transplantation.

Signs and Symptoms

Toxoplasmosis passes from animals to humans, sometimes without causing any symptoms. When kids do have symptoms, they vary depending on the child's age and the immune system's response to the infection. (As with humans, infected cats often don't show any signs of a toxoplasmosis infection.)

Toxoplasmosis infections in people fall into three basic patterns:

  1. congenital toxoplasmosis, in which a child becomes infected before birth
  2. toxoplasmosis in otherwise healthy kids (with the same symptoms a pregnant woman may have)
  3. toxoplasmosis in kids with weakened immune systems
Read more ( page 2-5 ) ... Relevant Articles :

Magical Online..

>> July 05, 2009

One of my online friend just told me that it was nice to chat with me, 'coz i made him feel like a real friend to me..

Online or not online friends are real for me..but what is magic from an online friend is that we feel so close even more than our friends in the real life. We never met and neither we could be able to meet someday, but feels like we have an involvement with each other's life. We could be a part of their decision, our opinion could be their consideration even sometimes they really do what we suggested them to do.

We talk very close like we have no secrets, jokes, discuss anything even if it's silly or dirty, be there when they're happy or sad..sometime it feels like forever friends..that's the magic too..

But when we started to hesitate our online friendship, lack of communication, under estimate their feelings of how they misses us, no more chat, no more spending time together or even alocate a short times just to talk with us, etc..we would sooner or later think that "it's not more than an online friend, they're not real because we won't meet 'em anyway.."

if that happens..then we will lost the magical friendship..

friends wherever they are, online or not online..needs a maintenance..some people said that "we will always be friend eventhough we hardly talk, we will always be a part of each other.." the lackness could be caused by our busy routine, our work, our activities whatever it is until we hardly spend some time with our online friends.. but is it true ? can we really be honest if that quote will work in a real online friendship ?

yes it is true, we will always be friend..but what kind of friend ? just friend or a bestfriend ?

once again, a friendship needs a maintenance eventhough just once in a week or so, from the chatbox, board, sms, or anything that u can categorized it as building a communication..treat them and let them be a part of our life, part of our happiness and sadness or else we won't feel the magic anymore, and that's the sadest part..'coz what used to make us feel so close, so very close, has gone..

"i'm sad when you're happy and i'm happy when you're sad..but not because i don't want you to be happy, i just wish i could be a part of the reason of your happiness.."

Huge love and an unstopable thanks for my hi5 Crazy Group friends..if it's not because of you guyz and your sweetest wise crazyness, i won't be like what i am now..i am better with you guyz around..

Specially dedicated to my D, K, Dani, and my bestest hi5 crazy group mates ( Dave, Maria, Christine, Tree, Kab, Lina, LC, G, and the rest of you i can't mention one by one) ..As for you Screens, thank you for reminds me again about the magical online. Do not give up with your life Screens, we all here for you :bigsmile:

H1N1 as Massive Massacre..

>> May 16, 2009

Once again, I would like to share this with the readers and hoping it will be usefull for you guys. I got this article from

Swine Flu Smoking Gun? CDC was Combining Flu Viruses in 2004

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 by: Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
See all articles by this author
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(NaturalNews) Last week, when what is now called a "swine flu" was first reported to be infecting and killing some people in Mexico, health officials noted it was a strain of flu never before seen. In fact, it is technically incorrect to call this simply a "swine" flu. Analyses showed it's a mixture of swine, human and avian viruses, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Moreover, it is genetically different from the fully human H1N1 seasonal influenza virus that has been circulating globally for the past few years. Bottom line: the new flu virus contains DNA from avian, swine viruses (including elements from European and Asian viruses) and human viruses.

So did this curious mixture just develop naturally, out of the blue? Is it the result of inhumane farming practices, as the Humane Society of the United States ( has suggested, that exposes immune-compromised pigs to all sorts of animal and human feces?

Well, maybe. But let's go back and look at the facts to see if any other scenario could be possible.

First of all, there's the troublesome detail that the virus has elements that come from multiple continents. Then there's the fact that true swine flu is only rarely transmissible to humans -- this flu is spreading human-to-human, most likely because it contains DNA from human flu.

Could someone have deliberately mixed these viruses together? Is that possible? Absolutely.

Was this virus mixing being done artificially in the lab, or had it already been done? Yes.

Who was blending potentially viruses in labs? Were those horrible generic boogie men known to Americans far and wide as "terrorists" doing it? There's no proof of bioterrorism at work here yet. However, there is evidence the United States government has been working on concocting new flu virus blends.

So could the hysteria-provoking, new swine flu have escaped from a lab? Or was it deliberately released as some kind of test? When these kinds of questions are asked, the knee-jerk reaction of the mainstream media (MSM) is to giggle and talk about "conspiracy theories" and to joke about wearing tinfoil hats.

But here's the potential smoking gun, the facts that suggest a potential source of the pandemic could be CDC labs. And at the very least, this possibility deserves thoughtful examination and research.

The University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) is hardly a place most Americans have heard about and, apparently, the Center's web site has news the MSM isn't familiar with, either. But information they published years ago has now taken on an urgent importance. CIDRAP, along with the Canadian newspaper Canadian Press (CP), revealed back in 2004 that the CDC was launching experiments designed to mix the H5N1 (avian) virus and human flu viruses. The goal was to find out how likely it was such a "reassortant" virus would emerge and just how dangerous it might be. Of course, it's logical to wonder if they also worked with the addition of a swine flu virus, too.

Here's some background from the five-year-old report by the University of Minnesota research center: "One of the worst fears of infectious disease experts is that the H5N1 avian influenza virus now circulating in parts of Asia will combine with a human-adapted flu virus to create a deadly new flu virus that could spread around the world. That could happen, scientists predict, if someone who is already infected with an ordinary flu virus contracts the avian virus at the same time. The avian virus has already caused at least 48 confirmed human illness cases in Asia, of which 35 have been fatal. The virus has shown little ability to spread from person to person, but the fear is that a hybrid could combine the killing power of the avian virus with the transmissibility of human flu viruses. Now, rather than waiting to see if nature spawns such a hybrid, US scientists are planning to try to breed one themselves -- in the name of preparedness."

And CDC officials actually confirmed the government had plans for the research. The CIDRAP News folks did a great job covering this important issue, which was apparently mostly ignored by the MSM back in 2004, and CIDRAP News wrote to the CDC for information. This e-mail produced an answer from CDC spokesman David Daigle who admitted the CDC was working on the project in two ways. "One is to infect cells in a laboratory tissue culture with H5N1 and human flu viruses at the same time and then watch to see if they mix. For the human virus, investigators will use A (H3N2), the strain that has caused most human flu cases in recent years," the CIDRAP story stated. This co-infection approach was described as slow and labor-intensive. However, it was a way to produce a new virus that appeared to be closer to what develops in nature.

There was another, faster way CDC scientists could create the mix, too. Called reverse genetics, it involves piecing together a new virus with genes from the H5N1 and H3N2 viruses. Reverse genetics had already been used successfully to create H5N1 candidate vaccines in several laboratories, the CDC's Daigle wrote. "Any viable viruses that emerge from these processes will be seeded into animals that are considered good models for testing how flu viruses behave in humans... The aim will be to observe whether the animals get sick and whether infected animals can infect others," he revealed in his e-mail.

What's more, the CP reported the CDC had already made hybrid viruses with H5N1 samples isolated from patients in Hong Kong in 1997, when there was the first outbreak of that virus, dubbed the "Hong Kong flu". It is not clear if the results of that research were ever published. Back in 2004, Dr. Nancy Cox, then head of the CDC's influenza branch, would tell the CP only: "Some gene combinations could be produced and others could not."

The CP's report noted that the World Health Organization (WHO) had been "pleading" for laboratories to do this blending-of-viruses research. The reason? If successful, these flu mixes would back up WHO's warnings about the possibility of a flu pandemic. In fact, Klaus Stohr, head of the WHO's global flu program at the time, told the CP that if the experiments were successful in producing highly transmissible and pathogenic viruses, the agency would be even more worried -- but if labs couldn't create these mixed flu viruses, then the agency might have to ratchet down its level of concern.

The 2004 CIDRAP News report addressed the obvious risks of manufacturing viruses in labs that, if released, could potentially spark a pandemic. However, the CDC's Daigle assured the Minnesota research group the virus melding would be done in a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory. "We recognize that there is concern by some over this type of work. This concern may be heightened by reports of recent lab exposures in other lab facilities," he told CIDRAP. "But CDC has an incredible record in lab safety and is taking very strict precautions."

Five years later, we must ask more questions. Were those safety measures enough? Was the CDC creating or testing any of these virus mixes in or near Mexico? What other potentially deadly virus combinations has the US government created? Don't US citizens, as taxpayers who funded these experiments, have a right to know? And for all the residents of planet earth faced with a potentially deadly global epidemic, isn't it time for the truth?

For more information:
"New flu is a genetic mix",

"CDC to mix avian, flu viruses",

"CDC to conduct avian flu pandemic experiements",

About the author

Sherry Baker is a widely published writer whose work has appeared in Newsweek, Health, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Yoga Journal, Optometry, Atlanta, Arthritis Today, Natural Healing Newsletter, OMNI, UCLA's "Healthy Years" newsletter, Mount Sinai School of Medicine's "Focus on Health Aging" newsletter, the Cleveland Clinic's "Men's Health Advisor" newsletter and many others.

Surprised ? Although it's still to early to conclude it, but is real, there are so many fake informations out there that trick our mind..But whatever it is if I may suggest :

Do not Freak Out but Always be Aware about this H1N1 Influenza ! I'm hoping so that people won't discriminate the Mexican people too, especially isolate them in some current places with such an inhumanity reacts ! No Discrimination ! What if we're on their position ??? How do it feels to be discriminated by others when it's not our faults ? Try it, try to feel their pain !!! Try to care and help others instead of discriminate them..

Because in my personal opinion, it's not the Mexicanas fault, it's some short of a massive politics-businesses conspiracy in this world and they're the victims ! Everyone could be the victim including me ( na'udzubillahi min dzaliq..may Allah won't let that happen to us..)

We should fight this together instead of let the government tear us apart, fighting and discriminate others whom actualy just a victims..Have a healthy and clean life, eat a healthy foods and vegetables, whatever the nature have provided for us, there must be something good behind it..

I have one friend that lives in Mexico City, she's clean but still be aware taking care of her health especially her mom's. They're surrounding by this situation, where so many people have died cause of this virus. That is why I'm trying to understand and feel her pain, her fears and worryness..Wishing people will try to feel it too and not discriminate them, Mexicanas..

What's Missing from H1N1 Influenza Issues ?

I got this article from one of my friend in Facebook and would like to share it to you easily. Here is the original article link

What's Missing From Every Media Story about H1N1 Influenza

Saturday, May 02, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Key concepts: Medicine, Anti-viral and Tamiflu

(NaturalNews) If you read the stories on H1N1 influenza written by the mainstream media, you might incorrectly think there's only one anti-viral drug in the world. It's name is Tamiflu and it's in short supply.

That's astonishing to hear because the world is full of anti-viral medicine found in tens of thousands of different plants. Culinary herbs like thyme, sage and rosemary are anti-viral. Berries and sprouts are anti-viral. Garlic, ginger and onions are anti-viral. You can't walk through a grocery store without walking past a hundred or more anti-viral medicines made by Mother Nature.

And yet how many does the mainstream media mention? Zero.

The totality of influenza preparedness is defined by the mainstream media as the number of doses of Tamiflu a nation has stockpiled. You see it in stories like this one at the Wall Street Journal:

Tamiflu comes from an herb

To live in a world that's saturated with natural anti-viral medicine and then not even acknowledge it in the media is beyond bizarre. It's Twilight Zone-like. It's like we've been teleported to an alternate universe where anti-viral plants have disappeared... or at least everyone is pretending they have.

Where do you think Tamiflu comes from, by the way?

It's extracted from the Traditional Chinese Medicine herb called Star Anise. It's one of hundreds of different anti-viral herbs found in Chinese Medicine, not to even mention anti-viral herbs from South America, North America, Australia, Africa and other regions.

I find it downright comedic that Big Pharma and the world's health authorities extract their "champion" anti-viral drug Tamiflu from a Chinese Medicine herb, and then they go out of their way to announce to people that herbs and natural remedies are useless against influenza. If that's the case then why are they using herbs to make their own medicine?

How many stories have you read that bother to tell you Tamiflu is made from the star anise herb that's been used for over 5,000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine? Virtually none. The powers that be don't want anybody to know they could actually grow their own medicine in a garden or a windowsill. If you can grow cilantro, you can grow medicine. If everybody figured that out, Big Pharma wouldn't be reaping the enormous profits it's making right now from Tamiflu sales, and the governments of the world wouldn't be able to scare and control people by promising to distribute Tamiflu (but only if you behave).

The Tamiflu scam is global

H1N1 influenza is not a hoax. But the way it's being reported by health authorities and the mainstream media certainly is. The scam in all this is what they leave out of the stories -- the fact that human beings live among a huge natural medicine chest of anti-viral drugs found in every city park, every forest, every swamp and every open field.

You cannot walk across any patch of natural land in America and NOT find anti-viral medicine. It's everywhere! It's in the weeds growing in the cracks in the sidewalks; it's in weeds on the side of the stream; and it's growing in the small patch of dirt left remaining in the median between highway lanes.

In the deserts of the American Southwest, you can't even drive to work without passing mile after mile of abundant anti-viral medicine grown by Mother Nature and just waiting for humans to wake up and be smart enough to recognize it.

I have a sobering prediction about H1N1 influenza (formerly "swine flu"): If it does become a global pandemic, many of those people who refuse to recognize the anti-viral medicine provided by Mother Nature will die. Their misplaced faith in Big Pharma will literally cost them their lives. In contrast, those who have the wisdom to get their medicine from Mother Nature will not only survive the pandemic, they'll thrive even as others around them are dying. It is those who embrace Mother Nature's powerful, synergistic and living medicines who will weather any pandemic storm, and they will emerge as the DNA holders of the future of human civilization.

I hope it's useful for whoever read this information..If I may suggest, do not freak out but always be aware about this H1N1 virus !

The Very First 60 Earth Hour in Indonesia

>> March 22, 2009

Sign up for Earth Hour! - I VOTE EARTH: Shallia Fathma

Earth Hour 2009 by WWF - Sign up for Earth Hour!

Pernah denger tentang 60 Earth Hour ? yep-yep..itu hari dimana kita diajak untuk matiin lampu di rumah, ato di lingkungan kerja, ato dimanapun komunitas kamu..cuman 60 menit aja !

He-eh ! cuman 60 menit ! tapi apa kamu tau apa yang bisa kamu hasilkan dalam 60 menit ini untuk Bumi kamu ?

60 Earth Hour ini adalah bentuk partisipasi kita dalam menyelamatkan bumi dari ancaman Pemanasan Global ato yang sering kamu denger Global Warming. Kalo dipikir-pikir, jarang banget dari kita-kita ini yang bisa terjun langsung jadi volunteer barengan ama Tim-tim Pencinta Lingkungan, kaya GreenPeace dll. Nah, kalo yang ini nih mudah banget dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa aja yang peduli sama bumi kita.

Cukup 1 Jam untuk Bumi kita, hanya dengan 300MW listrik yang kita hemat =

- cukup untuk mengistirahatkan 1 pembangkit listrik dan mampu menghidupkan 900 desa

- mengurangi emisi CO2 sekitar 284 Ton CO2

- menyelamatkan lebih dari 284 pohon

- menghasilkan O2 untuk lebih dari 568 orang

Jadi tunggu apalagi ??? Ikut partisipasi buat nyelametin Bumi kita yokkk !

Caranya mudah banget : matikan lampu-lampu di rumah kamu, kantor, ato lingkungan kamu SERENTAK pada waktu ini :

Tanggal 28 Maret 2009 Pk 20.30 - 21.30 waktu setempat

Bantu Selamatkan Bumi Kita ! Join the 60 Earth Hour !

Sign up for Earth Hour! - I VOTE EARTH: Shallia Fathma

Earth Hour 2009 by WWF - Sign up for Earth Hour!

"Mbok" Genteng Traditional Market

>> January 25, 2009

"Mbok.." that's how we called them, or sometimes "Mbak". If you can see in that picture, the woman who carried a basket upon her head, she's is the main topic ! heheh..beside her, the lady wearing a white hijab is my mom =P..

Mbok usually came from Madura, East Java, but then they moved in to Surabaya and earning money for living as a servant in Pasar Genteng Surabaya (Genteng Traditional Market). They offer a help to carry the customer's groceries, put it inside the basket, lift it up upon their head, and they will follow the customer wherever they go until they finished buying the groceries.

There are a lot of "mbok" there, not just her but she's my and my mom's favourite one *wink* lol..I don't know why, but we think she's the nicest one. My thought about her when i took this picture was, once again i found some people who willing to work hard for living =) I was wondering, what if the groceries are getting more and more, and it will be heavier for her. Is her head ok ? Isn't she feel tired, her neck maybe ? LOL yeah that..but phewww ! she didnt seems like that at all ! it was a usual thing for her, not a big deal at all ! she work like that everyday for more than 5 customers a day perhaps..ufff..

Now, my questions :

1. Tell me what you guyz think about her ? Just a slight thought is ok =D

2. Does your country has some people who work like her ?
If yes, share with me about them..If not, i may say thank you lol..

Ok, this is all i can tell bout her right now, maybe i will add something if i'm on creative mood lol..

C ya all..

A Click for The Forest

A click for the forest is one of the simple ways for us to make a positive change in this world. The click represent each money they could save lots of ancient forest in Sweden, i wish this very positive program could contageously spread to other countries including Indonesia.

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We can start to make a change, eventhough it is a small action but it will help alot for the forest and the creature that lives there more than you can ever imagine. It's an amazing simple action, so what are you waiting for ? Start click for the forest once in a day and you already a part of making this world a better place..

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original quote from

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