Tricycle Rider

>> October 26, 2008

It was October 9th, 2008 in Rembang, at the border of Middle Java and East Java. It was on my way home from a vacation to my hometown this Eid Mubarak 2008. We were inside our car, joking around, talking, and some of us were sleeping that moment lol. And then, wooow ! We saw this threecycler rider pushing his vehicle with huge of load on his cart ! He carried a lots of wood boxes on his threecycle, which i was guessing that boxes were meant to be as a bottles's boxes. I was amazed with his strength to carried that heavy load with his small body. So, i took his picture through my car window and i was lucky coz i got a perfect sightseeing of him and his threecycle.
I also amazed how a person willing to work hard to earn some money for living, so they can pay their family expenses, surviving their life, feeding their childrens, schooling them, or anything just to continue life. Looking at this guy on the road, how hard he tried to earn some money, I learnt how people really have to appreciate what God has gave to us if we have a better life than them. We also have to respect every value in our life eventhough its just a small part of it. 'Coz there are many people out there who have an unfortunate life, who is suffer and craving for foods while we got it easily from our parent or job's payment. He was pushing his threecycle hardly, while I was just sit comfortly inside my car.

I don't know how poor his life is because i didnt know him n his life, but I do really wish one day he won't have to do it again for living, and he will have an easier way to earn some money for him and his family.
Best Regard for you threecycle rider,

A Click for The Forest

A click for the forest is one of the simple ways for us to make a positive change in this world. The click represent each money they could save lots of ancient forest in Sweden, i wish this very positive program could contageously spread to other countries including Indonesia.

The more money they have when they negotiate with the forest owner, the easier it will be to get a new deal. So, please, donate generously with just visiting the and click the Green button everyday !

We can start to make a change, eventhough it is a small action but it will help alot for the forest and the creature that lives there more than you can ever imagine. It's an amazing simple action, so what are you waiting for ? Start click for the forest once in a day and you already a part of making this world a better place..

Nobody have done "everything", but everyone have done "something" and TOGETHER we have created a huge positive change
original quote from

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